Schedule of the programme in Tunisia Schedule of the programme in Tunisia : Objectives & Themes of the Conference SIEST Mediterranean Colloquium 20 and 21 May 2022
The aim of this conference is to exchange on issues and working methodologies specific to research in scientific, technological and vocational education, to compare the results obtained and to take stock of the progress of research in this field within the Mediterranean region. The aim is also to promote and establish work projects between the laboratories that are members of the SIEST network in order to develop a common culture of research work on teaching-learning in the scientific, technological and professional fields. In addition, this colloquium aims to support young researchers in their communication and scientific publication process. In this perspective, the proceedings of the conference will be published in the Mediterrean Journal of Education (formerly Journal of the Unesco Chair of the University of Patras) Themes This 7th edition of the SIEST Mediterranean conference will present and discuss the research work currently being carried out on several trends: (a) approaches and systems for education for all in science, mathematics and technology, from kindergarten to university, based in particular on digital technology or on taking into account students with learning difficulties; (b) approaches and arrangements for initial, in-service and lifelong learning training for the professional development of science and technology teachers.
Organisation of the Conference Last year, the SIEST Mediterranean conference had to be cancelled for reasons you know. However, as planned - we will organise it on 20 (afternoon) and 21 (morning) May 2022 - but in a different form... at a distance. However, to avoid the succession of online presentations with their technical problems and the lack of interaction and exchange linked to distance, we propose a particular organisation. The idea is to organise "Online Workshops" during which three to five papers, grouped by theme, will be discussed and put into perspective. The texts corresponding to the papers will all be published in advance in the Mediterranean Journal of Education. Each research paper will be made available to all interested participants in advance of the conference. During these online workshops, after a brief reminder of the content of the research by the workshop moderator, a time of exchange will be organised and the speakers, present online, will be able to answer the questions asked either directly or via the chat. We are convinced that this original way of organising the conference at a distance will appeal to you and that you will participate even if, like you, we are convinced that face-to-face meetings remain the best formula. We would like to remind you that participation in the SIEST colloquium is completely free and open to all. Students and professors from all countries will therefore be able to take part at a distance: do not hesitate to pass on the information. The final programme will soon be available on the platform. For the good organisation of this specific formula of the conference, please register on the platform At the end of the registration period, on 14 May, we will send you by e-mail the links allowing you to connect to the different sessions. We look forward to your participation in this special version of the SIEST 2022 conference, and to seeing you in person in Tunisia for the next edition in 2023. For the Scientific and Organizing Committees, Chiraz Ben Kilani, Virtual University of Tunis, Tunisia
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